Monday, April 13, 2015

A Few More Pwoermdists near the Halfway Mark

Rose Franken, "ANGSTVANGARDE" (12 April 2015)

Not quite halfway through the eighth annual International Pwoermd Writing Month, and things are going well. There has been lots of good work. There's also be a slowing down with some people, so get back to work. I need lots of inspiration to write about a pwoermdist every night for 30 nights, and 18 nights more (since I haven't done tonight's yet).

But I'm worried I'm missing someone, that I'm not keeping good enough track of all of the pwoermd work going on out there in the bigger world. The good news is that I've confirmed we have pwoermdists working this month on four continents. (I finally remembered that Mark Young is always participating, from Australia, since it always writes a pwoermd every day.) We still need participants from Africa and South America (continents I've lived on) and Antarctica (probably too heavy a lift).

Here are the four new people I've remembered to add today to the list of pwoermdists participating in InterNaPwoWriMo VIII:

Cliff Hight (on Twitter)
Boyd Nutting (on Facebook
Dave Read (on Twitter)
Mark Young (blog)

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